Thursday, December 11, 2008

From the Blueline: NHL Connect Fights Cancer:

Progress Report 12/10/08

Hi all, here is your update on the book. Your Fabulous CFC Executive Team: jleWings, Motleysu, TealGirl730,Cassie, and Kate the Great- (oh and me) have been HARD at work editing all the chapters for format. Let me just say that when we started this project I had the honor of going through all your blogs to find the best of the best, (yes I read every last one of each of your blogs, INCLUDING all of 22's) and as I read through them again now, I am tremendously excited about how this book is gonna turn out. We have funny, insightful, hard hitting, touching and just plain fun stuff- its a fantastic mix. for every longwinded Juice Blog, we have a funny Strawman or Ninh Blog. Just when Motleysu gets us all choked up we have levity from ECParke. Its gonna be great ! So here is the report:

From the Blueline: NHL Connect Fights Cancer

Book Editing:

Chapters Finished 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 29, 30

Team Roster-Bios:

Well My little chickadees- we are missing quite a few bios- so I'll be sending around the "format" again, and Cassie is in charge of collecting...

Also if you want a picture in your bio- send it to me!


We are contemplating adding more photos, if you have 1-2 photos that you took with your camera, and have ownership of, and which you think are book worthy, or integral to a blog, and you want them in the book, send them to me.

Kevin Smith- Forward:

Letters sent to Publicist and Agent, no response, still waiting.

Cover Art:

Received a gorgeous prototype from Ninh, and will share that with you all very soon.


I am still working with the NHL. Will be sending the NHL a list of the specific items we want licensed this week, just to give them an idea of what we need.

So that is the project update. Because we elected to work with the NHL and things have slowed a bit there, it looks like the book won't be published before the holidays this year. Lesson learned. Wish we would have thought of this before November. Next year we will start the process in October (so get all your GOOD blogs into Connect before then ...)

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